Monday, May 18, 2009

The Biblical Church, Part II

Acts 2:42-47 presents the model church. It is unique among Christian churches. Indeed, it was one of a kind.

First of all, the Acts 2:42-47 church is the first church ever. But its “firstness” is less important for us than the acts of the folks who guided it.

This was the only time in the New Testament in which all 12 apostles ministered as a team. That team was important because Christ had just taught them what he wanted for his church (Luke 24:45-49. Note: Acts 1:1-11). That suggests that what they did in Jerusalem is Christ’s model for us today, in our case, The Internet Church. In addition, Christ ordained Peter to be the apostles’ leader (John 21:15-20). That suggests that Peter’s philosophy for the church is important for us to consider as we organize our church. What was his philosophy?

We find it in I Peter 2:4-12. He focuses there on two issues: the “living stones” and the “priesthood of believers.” Both are essential building blocks for Christ’s church and our Internet Church as well.

Judging from the rest of the New Testament, I have concluded that the “living stones” remark concerns gifted people serving in the areas of their giftedness. Paul fleshes this out in Ephesians 4:1-16, Romans 12:1-8, and I Corinthians 12 & 13. In other words, God has graced each believer with a variety of spiritual gifts (graces) that he wants them to use in improving their own lives and in ministering to the Christian body to which they belong (the church). That is one way in which Christ shapes each church. He shapes it through the gifts he has given its people. That means no two churches will necessarily be the same.

But each church will be similar because of the doctrine it proclaims. The “priesthood of believers” remark concerns the fact that each believer has a personal ministry, not one that comes from God’s unique grace to each believer, but one that comes from sharing the gospel of Christ. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) applies not just to the church but to each believer individually. Each believer has a mandate from God to spread the gospel message and to minister to those within his or her spheres of influence (Note: I Corinthians 7:24). Each believer is an ambassador from God (II Corinthians 5:16-21) and a living illustration of God’s plan for man (II Corinthians 2:14-17).

So that becomes our initial model. That’s what I bring to this endeavor. But your contribution is vital. Your insights need to be examined and considered. I only know what I know, and I don’t know it all. But together we can build a great church.

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