Thursday, May 21, 2009

Safe Harbor accountability groups

The challenge is to discover how to use the Internet for worthwhile fellowship activities. I created Safe Harbor years ago as a means of doing this in brick-and-mortar (B&M) churches. If the sermons and Bible classes are the lectures, Safe Harbor is the lab class where participants "do the stuff." "Wherever two or more are gathered" etc.

Safe Harbors are three- to four-person accountability groups--men with men; women with women--who contract to minister to each other according to the terms of the contract. You can't be in the group unless you agree to ALL the terms.

I think this strategy could work on the Internet providing each group had access to a secure chat room. Emails could handle it, too, though it wouldn't be live. I don't have enough skills concerning the Internet options available. Here's the contract:

Safe Harbor Contract

Item #1 – Security
I realize that sensitive information is shared in Safe Harbor. I also know that Satan uses rumors, criticism, and contentiousness as weapons against God’s people. Therefore, I agree never to divulge the personal information shared in Safe Harbor.

Item #2 – Confession & Forgiveness
I realize that unresolved issues between me and others hinder my prayers and thus their effectiveness in Safe Harbor. Therefore, if I have anything against anyone, I will do my part to resolve it.

Item #3 – Responsibility
I realize that my Safe Harbor is my responsibility. I also realize that my Safe Harbor is a key ingredient in my personal ministry to others. Therefore, I will do my part to show up on time and keep my Safe Harbor going; and I will take the lead, when necessary, in order to preserve it.

Item #4 – Building Brothers & Sisters
I realize that one of my jobs in Christ is to build my brothers and sisters. I also know that Satan uses negativism and unhealthy criticism in his attempts to destroy us. Therefore, I pledge to always look to the positive and minimize the negative. I pledge to speak the truth in love but never as an excuse to harm another. I will keep rumors to myself. I will make suggestions or carry my concerns only to the person charged by God to act on them.

Item #5 – Personal Goals
God wants me to leave my past and future in his hands. That means he wants me to focus my creation where he has given me dominion, in this present moment. Therefore, I plan to take control over God’s gift of this moment and become a good steward of it. Mindful of my spiritual gifts and talents, I will set my goals to become all God wants me to be. I will set goals that will help me develop my skills and talents, and help me realize my dreams. I agree to share some of these goals with my companions in Safe Harbor and to enlist their prayer support for them. I agree to be accountable to them, and I also agree to encourage them in achieving their goals.

Item #6 – Prayer
I realize that by bathing my life in prayer, I invite God to play an intimate role in everything I do. Therefore, I agree to pray daily for my companions in Safe Harbor.

Item #7 – Bible Study
I realize that God promises faith, peace, wisdom, victory, prosperity, and success to those who dwell in his word and apply what it says. I also realize that my Bible reading and study facilitates the Holy Spirit’s personal ministry to me. Therefore, I agree to read and study my Bible regularly.

Item #8 – When I Fail or Succeed
I realize that all of us in Safe Harbor will never fail if we never do anything. That means if we do something, we risk failure. Therefore, I give my companions in Safe Harbor permission to fail. I also give them permission to succeed as well as to change their goals as experience proves necessary.

Best times to call:

Best times to call:

What do you think? Will this translate to an Internet setting? In a B&M church, each group lasts for 13 weeks and then new groups are formed. This helps to build cohesive care in the church body among those participating. The Internet ground rules would probably be different.

1 comment:

  1. I can see your heart for unity in the body. The idea is biblical. Remembering you, asking for wisdom to you as you endeavor to do the will of your Father.
