Friday, May 22, 2009

How To Find A Good Church

While I suspect it could be valid, I don’t suggest The Internet Church replace any brick-and-mortar church.

I see The Internet Church as an adjunct resource, a 24/7 source to build individuals and encourage their personal ministry and outreach. It will also minister to those seekers and believers who have been screwed over by the traditional church. Lots of believers have been soured by their church experience. Hopefully, The Internet Church can be a safe place for them to heal, reset, and launch again.

I think these are the qualities to look for in a church:

A church is not good because of its denomination, location (although closer is better than farther), size, the music it plays, the time of services, the garb of its clergy, or the character of its Sunday presentation. A church is good when...

When the Bible is its book and Christ is its Lord. When the Bible trumps every other document, the church is likely to be good.

When the church is transparent about the money. A good church will be openly accountable about where the money goes.

When the church is growing numerically. Numerical growth growth alone is not a determinant, but numerical growth along with the other qualities indicates that the church is actively connecting with people. By the way, that growth should be coming as much from new believers (maybe more) than it is from incorporating Christians from existing churches.

When you find a friendly, open atmosphere. Love is a sign of Christianity. Christian love seeks the best for others. You begin seeing it in the tone of the Sunday morning atmosphere.

When its leaders are accessible.

When the church offers you clear opportunities for spiritual growth beyond the Sunday services.

If you’re looking for the perfect church, you will never find it because while Christ is the head of good churches (the Holy Spirit speaking through Scripture to humble and gifted leaders), the people who carry out his wishes are human beings. They are called to the work but, like all of us, they are prone to failures of one kind or another. The leaders in good churches are doing their best. They correct themselves. They grow spiritually. They study. They listen to those around them. They are open to righteous change. They are concerned about your spiritual well-being, and they are actively reaching out to the lost.

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